Resolved -
This incident has been resolved. All environments have been fixed, and the backlog of locked files in Production has been addressed.
Feb 4, 12:54 PST
Update -
Please be advised that the development team is aware of the issue in Beta and Demo of being unable to pull credit. They will address it as soon as they complete the backlog of locked applications that happened during this morning's incident. Production is the top priority. We appreciate your patience.
Feb 4, 11:36 PST
Update -
The issue has been resolved for new, never-before-pulled credit reports. Applications that experienced a credit pull issue this morning had their credit files locked. Our staff is manually releasing these locked files, and we are working diligently to restore them by the end of the day.
Feb 4, 09:58 PST
Update -
Please note that we are currently processing the backlog of transactions and unlocking some of the credit files that were locked during the incident. This may still take some time
Feb 4, 08:29 PST
Monitoring -
A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Feb 4, 08:09 PST
Identified -
The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
Feb 4, 07:59 PST
Update -
We are currently investigating this issue. Please do not force new credit.
Feb 4, 07:29 PST
Investigating -
We are currently investigating this issue.
Feb 4, 07:25 PST